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Election 2024 - what do the political parties stand for on mental health?

Mental health services


  • Expand coverage of mental health support teams to all schools/colleges by 2030.

  • Create early support hubs for those aged 11–23 in every local community by 2030.

  • Increase the planned expansion of NHS talking therapies by 50%.

  • Boost capacity of individual placement and support for severe mental illness by 140,000 places.

  • Legislate to provide better treatment and support for people with severe mental health needs.

  • Ban the use of mobile phones during the school day.


  • Recruit 8,500 new mental health staff across children and adult services.    

  • Establish a network of ‘Young Futures Hubs’ to provide open access mental health services for children and young people in every community.  

  • Modernise mental health legislation to give patients greater choice, autonomy, enhanced rights and support. 

Liberal democrats

  • Open walk in hubs for children and young people in every community.

  • Place a qualified mental health professional in every school.

  • Extend young people’s mental health services to the age of 25.

  • End out-of-area mental health placements by increasing capacity and improving coordination.

  • Make prescriptions free for people with chronic mental health conditions.

  • Create an independent ‘Mental Health Commissioner’ to represent patients, families and carers

Who will you vote for?

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