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Life on Mars

During a bout of hypermania (with psychosis) it is very normal to suffer from grandiose delusions. This could involve hearing voices, having false beliefs or perceptions and even seeing things. It is common to believe you have special powers during hypermania.

My main bout of severe psychosis lasted for about 2 or 3 months and I completely believed (amongst many other things) that:

  • I had been to Mars and designed all of the spaceships to get there within 4 minutes

  • I had designed space stations which included swimming pools inside

  • I had solved all of Africa’s famines and food shortages and built thousands of swimming pools and flowing rivers there

  • I made a new university near Penrith (UK). It was very beautifully constructed

  • I made a state of the art psychiatric hospital which had virtual reality games

  • I saved an Alien race who were being destroyed by war

  • I saved a planet which was about to be hit by a gigantic meteor. I managed to stop it using my special powers 

All of these hallucinations lasted for days or even weeks and were intense. I was in my own world. I was secluded - essentially ‘locked up’ for two months I was so desperately ill. Hallucinations are actually relatively common, especially believing you have special powers.


Psychotic mania is usually treated with anti-psychotics such as Quetiapine, Olanzapine, and Risperidone as well as mood stabilisers such as Lithium and Sodium Valproate. I was treated with Lurasidone and clozapine. Electroconvulsive therapy can be used as a very last resort, but I would not recommend it as it is very drastic and incredibly scary. I had about 10 bouts of ect therapy which brought me out of the psychosis.

Take care. Hope this helps. 

You are not alone.. (maybe there is life on Mars!)

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