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Mania induced spiritual experiences

Anyone else had a religious or spiritual experience during your mental health crisis? What was it like? It’s surprisingly common, especially among bipolar one sufferers. Religious delusions come at the top of the mood scale indicating severe mania. I had psychotic mania which made me believe and to understand that there must be something “out there”.

I became a Christian after I left my first hospital admission in 2013. It just seemed to make sense. Before I was an atheist - I didn’t believe anything at all. Now I am a firm believer. 

I don’t criticise or judge people from other religions - religion can be important for everyone no matter if you’re a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist or anything else. 

When I was in hospital with hypermania I would say 80% of my illness was focused on Christianity. The first thing I did when I left hospital was to buy a bible and start going to church..

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