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Mind, BipolarUk and Restore - excellent mental health services

Bipolaruk -

Bipolaruk are a fantastic organisation that offer a very informative website and a great eCommunity. A place to go for resources on bipolar. They also have setup many peer support groups around the UK where bipolar sufferers can get a chance to meet other sufferers.

If you need information you can call Mind on 0300 123 3393.

Mind offer local peer support groups. You can check where your nearest group is below:

This is another organisation that can help you meet other people with mental health issues and where you can make friends. There are no waiting lists, just drop in. 

Restore is an organisation that helps people with mental health issues meet other people. There are seven organisations within Oxfordshire -

People take part in arts and crafts, woodwork, gardening, cooking, pottery depending on what is on offer in each organisation. There is even a Restore cafe on Manzil way (Oxford) where participants can work in a cafe, the same as having a normal job. You can meet people going through similar crises as you. You can develop lasting friendships. People who go to Restore can flourish because of the therapeutic environment.

I believe there is a waiting list but it’s worth the wait. You may need to be referred by your doctor or local mental health team.

Restore is only available in Oxfordshire at the moment.

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