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Talkative but not manic..

I am nearly completely better these days but it has taken me around 22 years of very severe depression and hypermania (severe mania). At the moment I have a few panic attacks now and then although they are not as bad as they used to be. I feel very welI at the moment, I feel I am almost back to my pre-bipolar days. I am talkative but not manic. This means I am happy with myself, sociable but not to the point of hypomania. People who are depressed tend to be very reserved and people who are manic tend to be extremely talkative and confident. A mixture of the two and stability is what is needed. I’m sociable with all my friends, acquaintances and family. I have made a good recovery due to a mix of experience, the right medication, the right amount of support from my community psychiatric nurse, occupational therapist, social worker, psychiatrist, support workers and of course my parents.

I’m beginning to enjoy life again and feel positive about the future. Six months ago I went on holiday for a week and it is pretty much the first time I have left my house to go away for seven years. I am also starting to go for walks but I still find it hard to leave the house for fear of having a panic attack. Generally I am feeling good and positive.

Recently I have moved into my own house and everything is going very well. I love having freedom. I have two wonderful support workers who help me do things. They are indispensable.

I hope you enjoy the website.

You can feel better and beat bipolar.

You can be talkative not manic.

Best wishes

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