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Welcome to Arise!

I was trying to think of an interesting name for my website and I came up with 'Arise Morning Sun'. I think its a really positive phrase and it could mean you will have a great day free from mental health issues, perhaps a time to reflect on new experiences and wonderful new beginnings.

It is my goal to provide support to people who have mental health problems, in particular bipolar disorder. I have extensive knowledge as I am a bipolar one sufferer with psychotic mania and I have been so for 22 years. I have a background in psychology. 

I will try to cover all aspects of bipolar disorder. If I have missed something do not hesitate to contact me (CONTACT | Arise Morning Sun).

Feel free to write a comment, I would love to hear your views.

Many thanks.

I hope you like the website and you find it useful.

With very best wishes.

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